Welcome to The Village School for Girls
The Village School for Girls is a non-selective independent school for girls aged 2 to 16.

“A small school in delightful surroundings providing a warm, attentive, well-rounded education.
Those who wish to move on do so successfully, but the school will now cater for anyone who wishes to remain for the secondary years.”
Good Schools Guide, 2024
Aspire | Nurture | Flourish
Aspire | Nurture | Flourish
Aspire | Nurture | Flourish
Aspire | Nurture | Flourish
Prep School
Senior School
During their Science lesson, the Year 1 class learned how to identify and sort everyday materials based on their properties. The new descriptive terminology included adjectives such as waterproof, absorbent, transparent, opaque, smooth, rough, soft, hard, stretchy, stiff, bendy, shiny and dull. Very well done, girls. 👏
#science #stem #stemeducation #scienceterminology #year1 #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark #adjectives
Jan 24

Turning `trash into treasure` is the focus for the term in our @try8billionideas lessons, and the girls have been working in pairs to come up with product ideas. Suggestions have ranged from making glitter pens and rubbers, to pen pots and ear muffs, however the practicality of making them proved too challenging. The class then created prototypes of ideas that they felt were more realistic in terms of production, and provided genuine business opportunities: plant pots out of used jars, offered in a range of designs using both paints and stickers, in addition to upcycling plain clothing with embroidered patches, and lettering designed by Ada. The next few weeks will see the girls learn about market research which will help them develop their ideas, so lots to look forward to, and great to see their creativity and teamwork in action. 💫
#ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇɴᴛʀᴇᴘʀᴇɴᴇᴜʀ #turningtrashintotreasure #upcycling #creativeminds #Year5 #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark
Jan 24

Super proud of our Year 1 Netball club girls who have been working hard on their `catching on the move` skills. It`s brilliant to see them gaining confidence in their ball skills, and as they played Piggies in the Middle through the centre court, there was serious determination on show in their efforts to make the ball theirs. We love seeing that competitive drive, and we have no doubt that these girls are going to set the court alight in their future netball adventures! 🔥 💫
#netball #year1 #competitive #determination #resilience #thesegirlscan #futurenetballstars #netballclub #watchthisspace #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark
Jan 23

Thank you @britishmuseum for making us feel so welcome this morning during our visit to the Silk Roads exhibition. The girls were captivated, eager to explore and discover more. A perfect start to their projects! 🐪🐘
#silkroad #schooltrip #schoolproject #studentexploration #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark
Jan 21

Well done to our Year 3 & 4 girls who had their first ever netball fixture last night against @sarumhallschool 👏
There was some great action on court, with lots of positives to take away from both games, and things to work on. The girls are excited for their future fixtures - bring it on! 💪
#netball #resilience #determination #thevillageschoolforgirls
Jan 21

An adventurous morning in Pre Prep as the class took Mrs Street on a safari! It was amazing what could be seen with our magic binoculars... from lions, zebras and giraffes, to pink and blue dinosaurs, badgers and red fish in the sky! The girls then made giraffes out of lego and enjoyed a little monkey dance before Spanish... do mornings get better than that?!? 🦁 🐯 🦓 🦒 🦖 🦕 🐠 🐒
#eyfs #safari #itsajungleoutthere #creativeplay #imagination #lego #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark
Jan 21

A tray of delicious `Ad Astra` dark chocolate biscuits made by one of our parents... the perfect Monday pick-me-up, and just another example of how special our community is. Thank you for the thought and the yumminess! 😋 💙 💛
#schoolcommunity #baking #yummytreats #grateful #thoughtful #happymonday #thevillageschoolforgirls #belsizepark
Jan 20

‘The curriculum extends way beyond what is typically found in primary schools.’
Ofsted, 2020