Eco Team

5Rs – Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, Refuse, Rethink…

In topics throughout the school, environmental awareness and responsibility are explored continuously. Beyond this, the girls take their environmental obligations further via the Eco Team.

The Eco Team is driven by the girls themselves and runs as a thread throughout the school and its activities. From ages 4 to 11, representatives from every year group take their place within the team. The team is then responsible for the running of the eco program throughout the school.

The girls have embarked on a number of projects such as the building of small wind turbines, the development of a strong recycling and composting program, the creation of a school garden, conducting litter picks and running electricity checks throughout the school. These initiatives create an ingrained awareness of how students can make better choices and how their decisions impact the world around them. The whole school community embraces the values of the Eco Team. The Second-Hand Uniform sale is hugely popular, and most families walk, cycle or scoot to school.

In 2019, the school was awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag – an internationally recognised award for excellence in environmental action and learning. This took several years, going through a whole range of criteria to achieve the Green Flag, and our plaque is proudly displayed at the front of the school. For the last two years the school has been awarded the Green Flag with distinction in recognition of its continuing commitment to educating our students about the environment. Recent whole school projects that helped us achieve this award include a whole school eco fashion show, a vegan baking competition and a Harvest assembly which considered the impact of global warming on our planet.

In This Section

“The Village School for Girls is a warm, nurturing, creative environment where girls are happy and have opportunities to develop a wide range of skills, abilities and personal qualities.

Education here is a real partnership between staff, parents and the girls themselves and the school is bursting with energy, ideas and enthusiasm.”

Parent – Summer 2023


"The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards."

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